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Ændringer i typografi og farver #4

(Med udgangspunkt i "Google Translate #1 – Fra dansk til engelsk")

I'm going to do a project in visual arts and I've just decided to start

I will do a project in visual arts
And have decided to just start
Because I'm artistically busy
Of the immediate and the autobiographical
Where to start
In his own life and right now and here
And the way I feel the best
That I can do it
Just starting to start
Without knowing where to go
Because I really had a concrete idea
Working with a blog
Where I base this part
Of my life where I myself searched
The absolute freedom
And found emptiness and lack of meaning
And I would zoom in and out
And say something about society in general
And question the freedom ideals
There is a community in our society
By exhibiting my own disappointment
And I would like to outline Svend Brinkman
And talk about the way he speaks
That the ultimate freedom makes us
To slave of our own desire
But now I have talked to Ulla
And she says I need
To work with the idea and the project
And do it more visually
And see where it can lead me
So now I do not know exactly where I stand
But I've just decided to start
Because I believe in the immediate
And that's the starting point
In his own life and right now and here
And feel that the process is more
Important than the result
And I can best realize that
By just starting


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